Selasa, 16 Mei 2017


I want to tell you about my tourism assignment  .that is an interview to tour and travel agent ...

We went to tour and travel agent "PT Buana Adhi Gemilang" which is located at Kelapa Dua Tangerang. Then we met the owner of the tour and travel, her name is Mrs. Sri Windayu.We interviewed about her tour and travel.

She toured and traveled on business in 2013. So far she has only one branch. She said that you can go wherever you want with the budget you have provided, the travel agent is already for domestic and non-domestic. This agent can make your passport and your visa if you dont have yet.
The favorite place for domestic is Lombok and Bali and she said you only pay for 3.000.000 rupiahs for 4 days include everything like food, return trip,hotel,and tour guide. i think is really worth it.

The food provided by this tour and travel agent is halal food (muslim food)
The favorite place for non domestic is Beijing, Singapore, Malaysia and Vietnam you can only pas from 3.000.000 rupiahs .

We asked her what the struggle was about her business, she replied that when things got better, sometimes there were clients who couldn't get to their destination,if clien suddenly there is business or sick, and she always got a sick client, but do not worry about it she could reschedule their trip. She always felt happy when her client traveled because she could already feel that her client was satisfied.

We're currently interviewing Mrs.Sri Windayu

She told that we're better going holiday in januari till april or september till november, because still cheap. may till august is high season or Desember  till Januari  the price is rises up to 30% in every single aspect like plane, food and also hotel. 
Mrs.Sri Windayu, the owner of tour and travel agent is very friendly.If you want a vacation you can come to PT.Buana Adhi Gemilang Tour & Travel jl. Danau Kelapa Dua Kav.N-IX / No.5D Tangerang   and do not hesitate to ask questions.
The owner of BAG Tour travel (in the middle) 

Maybe that's all I can write, thanksAssalamu'alaikum wr.wb.

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